Monday, March 23, 2020

Explanation vs Procedure Text

Explanation VS Procedure Text 

2. Analyze the differences and the similarity of those two texts!
• Equation
1. Explanation text can be used to explain steps that must be done to do an action using chronicology deveplopment pattern.
2. The equation of the explanatory text and the text procedure together explain how to make lemongrass and ginger drink.
3. Using conjunction sentences
4. Together discuss the completion of making drinks
5.  The question begins with the words "How"

• Difference
1. There is a difference in the structure of the text. Namely the text of the procedure includes the steps and the material while the explanatory text consists of a general statement (which explains about an event / fact as in the text that is corona virus), and sequential explanation
2. Expansion text explains how something happened. Procedure text explains how to make something.

Text Procedure
    How to make temulawak
Ingredients :
1. Temulawak powder
2. Ginger powder
3. Palm sugar
4. Two stem keningar

1. put water in the pan
2. Add slice of ginger and temulawak
3. Add 1/4 palm sugar
4. Stir it
5. Add 2 stem keningar
6. Stir it until boiling
7. wait for it to cool and put it in a bottle

Photos step by step

Teks eksplanation

General Statement : 

at this time there are a lot of corona viruses that cause the body's immune to decrease therefore we need good stamina. Temulawak  itself consists of substances such as d-camphor, cyclo isorene, mirsen, tumerol, xanthorrhizol, zingiberen, and zingeberol.
Other ingredients that cannot be underestimated from ginger are antioxidants, such as flavonoids, phenols and curcumin.
This antioxidant can prevent several diseases caused by exposure to free radicals.

Sequenced of Explanation :

First, put 1 liter water into the pan, then, add slice of temulawak and ginger , stir it. Also add 1/4 palm sugar and keningar, stir again until boiling. Then  wait for it to cool then add the herbal medicine in a bottle.

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